miércoles, 21 de septiembre de 2011

Hi... Mi name`s is Ana Bernal but mi nikname is Enni. I`m from maracaibo. I live in maracaibo in Juana De Avila. I`m 20 years old and study Education in URBE. My favorite subjects are Pedagogìa and Education Music. This tree trimester  I`m taking 6 classes.

I love music of Marcos Antonio Solìs, dancing of salsa, playing , I like pizza ,hot dog, soda, I like to read, rice and meat!!. I do not support people who have no reason...!

I hate listening to champetaI really do not like people who smoke . I do not like hammocks, I do not like rumors. 
My dream is to get my degree as an educator. out of all my obstacles with no problems. marry in the future and obviously make a very big family.

ABOUT the English I am interested to learn that I will be easy to communicate with other people from other countries ... I find itdifficult to write but I will try this class and you make it.

Thanks for reading my blog I hope your comment.

Forward and not look back ...